1on1 In-Person Training Sessions
D1 Level
Sixteen (16) 1on1 Training Sessions
Pay Every 2 Months
2 months of 1on1 in-person DB, Speed and Agility training sessions
- Free Khaos Training Shirt
- 10% Discount on everything
Champion Level
Eight (8) 1on1 Training Sessions
Pay Monthly
8 sessions of 1on1 in-person DB, Speed and Agility Training per month.
- Speed and Agility Training
- Defensive Back Training
Rookie Level
Four (4) 1on1 Training Sessions
Pay Monthly
4 sessions of 1on1 in-person DB, Speed and Agility Training per month.
- Speed and Agility Training
- Defensive Back Training
Semi-Group In-Person Training Sessions
D1 Group Level
Sixteen (16) Semi-Group Training Sessions
Pay Every 2 Months
2 months Semi-Group in-person DB, Speed and Agility training sessions
- Free Khaos Training Shirt
- 10% Discount on everything
Champion Group Level
Eight (8) Semi-Group Training Sessions
Pay Monthly
8 sessions Semi-Group in-person DB, Speed and Agility Training per month.
- Speed and Agility Training
- Defensive Back Training
Rookie Group Level
Four (4) Semi-Group Training Sessions
Pay Monthly
4 sessions Semi-Group in-person DB, Speed and Agility Training per month.
- Speed and Agility Training
- Defensive Back Training
Training Programs
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7on7 SoCal Team Membership Plans